Sunday, February 13, 2011

Moving beyond the binge

I set up this blog, and then life intervened.  This is just another excuse in a long line of excuses.... which has impeded my weight loss. But, enough about that, and my tendency to procrastinate 'everything...'

Here's a bit more about my current quest to lose weight and improve my overall health.... In July 2010, I began to research weight loss surgery, as a viable option for me, on my journey.  I have hypertension, morbid obesity, early Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and hypokalemia.  Some of these (diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension) are considered co-morbidities for weight loss surgery, and are even more reason to have it done.  I attended a seminar, and began the journey toward having lap-band surgery, and, to date, have yet to be cleared.  The program I entered requires a 5% weight loss-- which for me would be14 pounds.  Easier said than done, as I am finding out :).  It also requires monthly appointments with a dietician and enough visits with a staff psychiatrist to be cleared.  There is bloodwork, consultation with pulmonologist (for sleep study), cardiologist, and gastroenterologist.  An endoscopy is required, as are any tests the other specialists require.....  A minimum of 2 support groups, pre-op, are also required. 

I have run into several road-blocks along the way.  The cardiologist required a stress test and an echocardiogram, which I 'passed'-- not without much stress along the way, I might add.... But my hypertension is not well-enough controlled-- so additional medicine was added, and I've had to wait additional time for BP re-checks, before being cleared.... To date, I am not cleared :(

Another major roadblock, is that my endoscopy showed MULTIPLE stomach polyps! While testing benign, these can be a pre-cursor/risk for stomach cancer-  YIKES!  Worse, there are submucosal polyps which need further examination, and in order to determine that these are benign, and part of a benign condition-- I now need an endoscopic ultrasound in order to be cleared for surgery.  Apparently this not that easy to arrange locally.  GREAT. More cause for stress-eating-- lol.

I have been seeing the dietician, and the psychologist.  I've attended 3 support groups.  My blood work is passable.  I've met the surgeon for a meet and greet, and I didn't need to see the sleep specialist, because I am already under the care of one, and using a CPAP for my sleep apnea.  (It has literally been the reason I've been able to survive the last four years, IMHO.)

The weight loss.  OH, the weight LOSS.  I've been holding my own, and losing and regaining the same 3-5 pounds, depending on what's going on.  I've made many of the required eating changes, but have not been able to 'totally' give up carbs, or pretty close, which is seems to be part of the required dietary changes for weight loss surgery. I eat way too much fruit, and when I get other carb cravings, a little bit begets more.  My binge eating has been under control for the most part, but there was a time very recently, when I really didn't care, and ate off course for several days.  None of this is conducive to a 14 pound weight loss.  SO, I decided to write some of this down, commit to following the very low carb plan required both before and after surgery (45 G carbs max, per DAY!) and do my best to progress, so that I can complete the pre-surgery requirements, and have the surgery.  I will be so grateful if I finally get clearance from the cardiologist, and the endocronologist, because the fact that I haven't been cleared yet scares the crap out of me!   I knew I was unhealthy, but......

 I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. YOU need to come visit me at my blog...Fibromyalgia, overweight, you name it we have solutions.

    Since Oct my IBS is gone! Pain is RECEDING. It is what we are eating that causes autoimmune conditions.
